Friday, June 20, 2008

Who Will?

Hi Guys--

It is Friday! (Hey, hey..... Doing a weird type of jig) I made it through another second, minute, hour, day,....I think your getting my meaning. The weekend is at hand and I got plans.... to simply chillax. Hopefully, I will be able to catch up on some reading, as my TBR ( to be read) pile has grown. Man, am I grateful. I have learned not to sweat the small stuff and not to obsess over the things, that I have can not change.

As, a newly published author,I am learning so much about myself. Writing is a skill and art. It is the business side of writing that is difficult. I am challenged consistently. However, it is these challenges that aspire me to sharpen my saw or my vision. Friends, if you do not believe in you, who will? Having braved this week...and what a chaotic week it was. I am left feeling....hum, grateful. It is a humbling feeling.

I am grateful to God for seeing my through the chaotic week. I am grateful to my family and friends like you! With all this love and gratefulness-- why should I sweat the small stuff?
I am focused. So, my friends, continue to be encouraged... as greater days are ahead of us!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for bringing these all amazing facts together into one post. There’s quite a few that I hadn’t encountered before.
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